East Kilbride News

Road dualling a hot topic


What an excellent letter in the November 20th EK News regarding the plans for the dualling at Stewartfie­ld.

The letter writer is correct in all he says. No one in East Kilbride wanted the dualling which is currently going on at Calderglen to connect us all up with Strathaven either.

But then South Lanarkshir­e Council and its arrogant leader Councillor John Ross wanted it, so we got it.

And here we go again at Stewartfie­ld. I am afraid SLC has decided that East Kilbride is the place to build and build and build and so that in turn leads to more infrastruc­ture and before long we will be a city and SLC will be rubbing its hands in glee at all the money it can rake in.

The actual people who live in EK and their views don’t count and that is why Coun. Ross chooses not to reply. He replies to no one I know, he just sits in his comfy Hamilton council towers, on his huge salary, Tweeting all day about how he wants Independen­ce and a better Scotland for us all.

He is no different from most politician­s who do the same. If you challenge decisions with the Scottish Government, they say local councils should be able to do what they want and if it is a decision you don’t like, the local councils blame the Government, so no one gets anywhere.

There has never been proven evidence (unless it is SLC evidence) that dualling at Calderglen was needed, yet a council who loves to bombard us all with its pledge about tackling climate change by creating allotments and green spaces and forking out for outdoor learning for schools, when children could just do what we did and play outdoors, has bulldozed down mature trees, caused traffic chaos and taken land off firms.

And all for what? So they can provide the infrastruc­ture for more building. Soon EK will link with Strathaven (a once lovely town, now also becoming saturated with housing) and Stewartfie­ld will creep all the more closer to Glasgow.

Our children will live in modern day blocks of housing on the green fields they once played on, receive namby pamby education in schools bursting at the seams (but don’t worry, if we run out, we will just build more) and we will all just get a little more depressed as we realise we haven’t seen a bird or animal in months or enjoyed still and silent peace.

And all the while, Coun Ross and his cronies will continue to make ill thought out decisions, against our will and get paid a fortune for it and if we complain we will get the usual response, “if you can do better, you get elected’,’ or we will just be ignored as usual. But for EK I fear we are past fighting for anything anymore anyway.

Name and address supplied Backing the doctor

I would just like to say that as the elections are coming up and people within the EK and surroundin­g district are wondering who to vote for I have to say vote for the person who will fight for you, whether it

be a local or Westminste­r issue.

Dr Lisa Cameron has fought tirelessly for me and my family regarding the suspicious death of our son whilst serving within the RAF.

She has managed in the last four years to get us meetings within Parliament and although they seemed fruitful at the time they renegade on what they said, but Dr Lisa Cameron was never deterred by this and just before Parliament was closed we were in the process of obtaining meetings with the new veterans group within Westminste­r and the ministers involved within it. She has never once given up on us or our son even when doors have been slammed in her face she has as we would say preverbial­ly kicked it in.

Not only does my family need her voted back in I honestly feel South Lanarkshir­e need her back in. When we lost our son we had a Labour MP and although took our petition to Parliament, he explained there wasn’t much more that could be done. Yet Dr Lisa Cameron once elected managed to highlight our case and the injustice our serving personnel, veterans and their families receive, open doors that were previously closed.

We really don’t want to go back to the beginning with someone new and I would please ask your readers if undecided on who to vote for on December 12 then please please vote for Dr Lisa Cameron to keep our son’s fight alive and hopefully gain justice for not only our son but for all serving military personnel’s families.

C Fleeting

 ??  ?? This appropriat­ely festive ‘Picture of the Week’ comes from Sarah Robertson who captured this beautiful shot of berries on the holly tree at Langlands Moss
This appropriat­ely festive ‘Picture of the Week’ comes from Sarah Robertson who captured this beautiful shot of berries on the holly tree at Langlands Moss

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