East Kilbride News

Cops threatened with knife after stand-off


An East Kilbride youth threatened police officers with a knife and a hammer during a stand-off at his home in the early hours of the morning.

Raging Jordan Craig told them he didn’t want to be arrested over a “simple argument” with his mum that had been “sorted out”.

However, the confrontat­ion ended peacefully when he eventually agreed to put down the weapons.

Craig, 19, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court on Friday and admitted threatenin­g or abusive behaviour at his home in Parkfield on October 20.

He was on bail for another matter at the time.

Jennifer McLaren, prosecutin­g, said Craig arrived home around 2am.

He was heavily under the influence of alcohol or drugs and argued with his mum, Angela, who made a comment about his drug use.

Ms McLaren told the court: “Jordan Craig was shouting, screaming and brandishin­g a hammer.

“His mum panicked and dialled 999. Police attended immediatel­y, but the accused had made off and a search of the area proved negative.

“About 5.20am police got an anonymous call saying he had returned to the house.

“They went back to the property and found him at the top of the stairs in his underwear.

“He was in possession of a kitchen knife and was extremely aggressive, shouting and swearing.

“He warned officers that if they tried to get near him he would slit his own throat and stab them.”

Ms McLaren said attempts were made to reason with Craig, but his aggressive behaviour continued and he cut himself, causing superficia­l wounds.

She added: “He said he didn’t want to be arrested over a simple argument with his mother that had already been sorted out.

“He went away and returned with more items, including a hammer and a metal pole.

“He was highly agitated and hit the wall with the pole, but eventually he agreed to leave the property with police officers.

“He was checked over by paramedics and then placed under arrest.”

Defence agent Andy Thomson said Craig’s family have “genuine concerns” about his mental health.

Sheriff Ray Small called for background reports and deferred sentence until February 14.

Craig, who has been in custody since his arrest, remains behind bars.

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