East Kilbride News

Gangster puppy dealer ordered to stop terrorisin­g his neighbour

Bennettfac­es jailifhesp­eaks tothemanhe threatened­tokill

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A puppy farmer has been given a threeyear non-harassment order for terrorisin­g his next-door neighbour.

Gangster Scott Bennett was brought into court in handcuffs after claiming he was forced to flee to Spain as a result of being issued an “Osman” threat to life warning by police.

He was arrested on his return to Britain last Saturday evening and, at a hearing on Monday, finally admitted making threats to kill neighbour Drew Miller.

As well as being fined, Bennett was hit with the bumper non-harassment order, meaning if he speaks to Miller, he risks being locked up for up to five years.

The crook’s lawyer Diarmid Bruce told Hamilton Sheriff Court that Bennett lives on a tightrope as a 9mm bullet is lodged in his neck after a failed murder attempt outside a vet’s surgery a year ago.

Bruce said: “It interferes with his spinal column but doctors say it is too precarious to remove. He is on medication and gets a scan every month to check the bullet hasn’t moved.”

Bennett was arrested at his farmhouse in September last year after telling neighbour Miller: “You’re getting your cars blown up. I’ll set your house on fire. I’ll batter and stab you myself.”

The drug dealer also said he’d get underworld associates to “sort it” and told cops Miller had “made a big mistake” and there would be consequenc­es.

Tensions escalated between Miller and Bennett after he built a kennels complex – with no planning permission – in front of his neighbour’s home in Auldhouse.

The threats came a year after another neighbour’s car at the group of homes at Brae Farm was burnt out.

Police believe that may have been a case of mistaken identity, with Bennett’s car the target.

Bennett escaped with just a £1000 fine, plus an extra £200 fine, for failing to turn up at Hamilton Sheriff Court for an earlier hearing.

Sheriff Alasdair MacFadyen told Bennett that Miller would have regarded the threats as “chilling” if he had been aware of his criminal record.

But a source close to the case has told how music engineer Miller, 47, was well aware of the criminalit­y and living in a state of fear for the past two years.

The source said: “You have a case of a mild-mannered chap living peacefully one day and then a gangster moves in next door and all hell breaks loose.

“There’s a clear backdrop of gangland violence that Bennett has found himself embroiled in. Bennett’s neighbours have had their lives turned upside down by this man and the fact he went about building an industrial kennels block without planning permission.

“The trouble is aggravated by the fact he has an Osman warning hanging over him and police regularly patrol outside the premises.

“Neighbours share a driveway with Bennett and would be entitled to believe their own lives could be in danger.

“They would probably love to sell up and flee. But who’d want to buy a home next door to a gangster running a puppy farm?”

The source added: “Police were called to the address at least

10 times after incidents. As well as the car that was firebombed, officers attended after a car was seen to be observing Bennett’s property.

“This conviction only came because Bennett repeated the threats he made to his neighbour to officers who took him away in handcuffs.”

Yesterday, Bennett pled guilty but said he “snapped” because of stress brought on by being shot in the face in what cops suspect was a gangland hit.

He admitted threatenin­g or abusive behaviour towards Miller outside their homes on September 9.

Bennett was jailed in 2016 for dealing cannabis and has been busted for cocaine possession.

Miller could not be contacted yesterday but has previously refused to discuss the dispute with Bennett.

Bennett was jailed in 2016 for dealing cannabis. He has also been busted for cocaine possession.

I’ll set your house on fire. I’ll batter and stab you myself ...

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Burnt out Car outside Brae Farm
Home Bennett’s farmhouse in Auldhouse
Business Bennett shows off some off the puppies he breeds at his farmhouse
Burnt out Car outside Brae Farm Home Bennett’s farmhouse in Auldhouse Business Bennett shows off some off the puppies he breeds at his farmhouse

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