East Kilbride News

Greenhills is the first Church of Scotland venue to open up in EK


The congregati­on of Greenhills Parish Church became the first Church of Scotland in East Kilbride to reopen for Sunday worship.

Everyone from six months of age to 103 joined a socially distanced sermon.

All guidance was followed and hygiene measures were in place.

The Rev John Brewster conducted a very moving and thoughtful service.

He told the News: “During the Church of Scotland Week of Prayer, some members ascended the local ‘High Point’ for reflection and prayers for the people of East Kilbride and also for those beyond the horizons.

“On Saturday evening there was a huge spectacula­r rainbow in our skies and in churches and beyond this is seen as a great sign of keeping hope alive in these difficult days.”

Douglas Wallace, who retired as minister of Stewartfie­ld Church, was one of the 41 who attended.

He said: “For the first time in six months my wife and I were able to attend morning worship with the congregati­on of Greenhills Church.

“Rev. John Brewster began with the question on everyone’s lips, ‘How can we worship God without singing?’

“He had us up for a time of loud clapping in praise and thanks to God for all we can be thankful for even in these days.

“The effect on the company of young and old was electrifyi­ng.

“In lockdown John has done so much to encourage us to ‘lift up your hearts’. It was good to see church full on the first Sunday back with the theme, ‘one body, many members.’”

 ??  ?? Welcome back Rev. Brewster was delighted to open up the church to his congregati­on
Welcome back Rev. Brewster was delighted to open up the church to his congregati­on

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