East Kilbride News

My virus nightmare

Mum suffers with long-COVID


An East Kilbride mum, with a black belt in karate, now gets out of breath after simply loading a washing machine as the effects of Long-COVID continue to turn her life upside down.

Ruth Moore, 49, from East Mains, was an otherwise fit and healthy woman until the potentiall­y deadly virus ravaged her family.

She, along with two of her three daughters, husband, James and 79-year-old mum, Gloria, were all struck down with coronaviru­s in October last year, testing positive within days of each other.

The domino effect saw Ruth rushed to Hairmyres hospital after her condition deteriorat­ed rapidly.

She was in hospital for five days with her elderly mum, who has the lung condition COPD, admitted just a few days after her.

While Gloria and the rest of Ruth’s family recovered, she has been left battling the debilitati­ng effects of Long-COVID for months.

She is one of thousands up and down the country affected.

Long-COVID, or post-COVID syndrome, has been described by some as the “pandemic behind the pandemic”.

Research is in its infancy and there is no clear treatment or cure.

Part-time carer, Ruth, told the News: “I was young, healthy and a normal person – not on any medication.

“Now I’m on steroids, inhalers, and I just feel: ‘Am I ever going to get back to the way I was?’

“I don’t know the answer to that – nobody knows the answer to that.

“Until the middle of January I couldn’t even walk up the stairs without being exhausted, simple things like putting a washing on left me breathless.

“I never imagined I would be like this – it’s been hellish.

“I’m slowly building myself back up but I know all the effects may never go away. I think my lung capacity will always be reduced now. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m far better than I was but I’m not back to what I was before.” One of the symptoms Ruth has also had do deal with is extreme fatigue and lethargy as well as insomnia.

“I’m lucky if I can get up before lunchtime, and it takes me a few hours to actually get going and by getting going I mean getting dressed, maybe brushing my hair and brushing my teeth.

“There are days that I feel a bit down and a wee bit dark, but then, I’m alive.”

Ruth said for the first few days after testing positive her symptoms were fairly mild.

But seven days in her condition deteriorat­ed.

“At first I thought, ‘this is OK’, I’ll be fine’ but then things changed quickly,” she went on.

“I was so sick, I couldn’t keep anything down, I wasn’t able to do anything.

“My ribs and kidneys hurt so badly and I could barely manage and didn’t even want to try to summon the energy to go to the bathroom.

“My temperatur­e then spiked and I was losing consciousn­ess and that’s when my husband said enough is enough.

“We had an oximeter in the house and the readings on that were awful so that’s when I had to go to hospital.”

Ruth praised the staff at Hairmyres for their care saying they were “absolutely fantastic”. But when she discovered her mum was also admitted, she said that was a crushing blow. “The biggest thing for me was when my mum was admitted,” she continued. “That was horrific. I didn’t want to lose my mum as she was more vulnerable with the COPD. “I just kept thinking if I’ve given it to her and it killed her, I would never forgive myself.”

“But thank God for Facebook, I was able to see she was getting better and she has had no longterm effects. She just wants to get back to the bingo now.”

Ruth added: “I am the only one who has suffered the long-term effects out of the whole family and at my worst I really thought I’d had it, that my time was up.

“Even when I was discharged from hospital I was still unwell and you feel like you are just sent home to get on with it with no support as so little is known about it.

“I know everyone is desperate to get back to normal but we need to be patient.

“In all honesty, the thought of a big supermarke­t terrifies me. The only place I feel safe is the Village Co-op and we have been getting home deliveries most of the time.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Fighting fit Ruth was at the top of her game in karate. She is pictured with daughter Rachel prior to being awarded a black belt
Fighting fit Ruth was at the top of her game in karate. She is pictured with daughter Rachel prior to being awarded a black belt
 ??  ?? Scare The carer found herself seriously ill in hospital after her condition went downhill rapidly
Scare The carer found herself seriously ill in hospital after her condition went downhill rapidly

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