East Kilbride News

Ruth ‘humbled’ by support from friends


Despite the debilitati­ng effects of Long-COVID, with the support of family and friends, the Moore clan managed to raise vital funds for local good causes.

Every Christmas her family decorate their home for charity.

She said:“We still managed to raise over £1000 for Women’s Aid and EK boy Cole Thomson with our Christmas lights.

“But we had a friend put them up for us this year.

“Throughout what was an awful time my family, friends and neighbours came to the rescue with soup and food for James and my 14-year-old, Rachel, when I was in hospital.

“My local shops in the Village and friend Scott Sheriff brought me a meat parcel from Wright’s the butchers and soup and cake from Loupin Stane.

“And Heather and Vito from La Dolce Vita sent round pasta and baked potatoes.

“Claire from Roland’s Fillings also sent us lots of goodies.

“We even had friends leaving soup and apple crumble on our doorstep.

“I was truly humbled by the amount of good wishes and they and the food restored my faith in humanity.

“My other daughter, Susan, lives in Paisley so she was lucky to escape it.”

Ruth is hoping to return to reduced hours at work in the not too distant future, and said her employers have been “extremely supportive” throughout her health battles.

But her martial arts may have to take a back seat as her health may not allow her to participat­e at the level she was previously.

Ruth added:“I am trying a Zoom karate class once a week for half hour but I usually manage about 10 minutes with breaks. I’m very gently trying to get my strength back up.

“In all honesty I don’t know if I will ever get back to training for an hour at a time. Anything like that I think will be a while down the road.”

 ??  ?? Dazzling A friend put up the family’s Christmas lights
Dazzling A friend put up the family’s Christmas lights

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