East Kilbride News

Offender told to sort out his life


A“high-risk”offender who was caught driving a stolen car has been given a chance to sort out his life.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that Ronnie Connelly was arrested after a high-speed chase in East Kilbride.

Connelly, 29, formerly of Pine Crescent, East Kilbride, and now of Skye Road, Rutherglen, admitted stealing items, including car keys, from a house in Walnut Grove on December 13, 2022.

He also admitted stealing a vehicle from that address, driving dangerousl­y, punching a police officer and stealing money from an insecure vehicle, also in Walnut Grove. The court heard that Connelly is currently the subject of three separate community payback orders after committing a catalogue of offences in recent years.

His lawyer said the latest crimes were committed when he was under the influence.

She added:“This happened at a time when he was having difficulti­es and his mental health had declined. He was increasing his use of alcohol and other substances.

“Background reports conclude that he’s at a high risk of re-offending.

Until his mental health and addiction issues are resolved that risk will remain.”

However, the solicitor said support workers are helping Connelly and he is on a waiting list for a place in a rehabilita­tion unit.

Sheriff Linda Nicolson said prison had been“uppermost”in her mind but she agreed to defer sentence for three months.

She told him:“The intention is to get you off the path you’ve been on.”

Connelly was fined £100 and given a 22-month ban on the dangerous driving charge.

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