Eastern Eye (UK)

Home Office details plans to protect shop staff


HOME SECRETARY Priti Patel has set out plans to crack down on violence against shopworker­s.

Detailed steps have been outlined by the Home Office, which include working with the National Retail Crime Steering Group (NRCSG) on a best practice guide to support staff in reporting these crimes. Strengthen­ing existing laws and improving data sharing between businesses and the police will also be reviewed.

The Crime and Policing Minister will write to PCCs and chief constables underscori­ng the importance of working closely with local businesses.

Patel said: “As the daughter of shopkeeper­s, I know what a vital role they play within our communitie­s and just how tirelessly they have worked during the coronaviru­s pandemic. I will not tolerate violence and abuse against any shopworker and it’s right that those who commit these crimes must be caught and punished.”

Kit Malthouse, minister of state for crime and policing, said: “Shopworker­s are the beating hearts of our communitie­s and violence or abuse against them is utterly unacceptab­le.

“Through the NRCSG, we are developing solutions which address concerns highlighte­d by the retail sector. We are determined to ... ensure that shopworker­s are fully supported in reporting incidents to the police. The government is taking action to tackle violent crime, including by recruiting 20,000 new police officers over the next three years.”

The Home Office’s call for evidence was open for 12 weeks. Nearly 3,500 retailers, organisati­ons, trade unions and individual businesses sent their responses.

Most believed abuse towards shop staff has increased and a significan­t number said they did not report incidents to the police.

The Sentencing Council is reviewing its guidelines for courts on assault and published interim guidance in April 2020. It clarifies that such crimes should be treated as an aggravatin­g factor when assault involves threats around Covid-19 (such as spitting or coughing on staff).

It is already an aggravatin­g factor for an offence to be committed against anyone providing a service to the public.

The government is taking steps to improve support for all victims of crime, including a future consultati­on on a Victims’ Law, officials added.

 ??  ?? STORE STRATEGY: Priti Patel

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