Eastern Eye (UK)



KEFIR originated in the Caucasus mountains, near Russia. It was originally used to help preserve milk; the kefir grains were said to be found there and many believed that it was a gift from Mohammed for the people of the area. They prized the grains and tried to keep it a secret for themselves until it was somehow introduced to the Russian people, who embraced the goodness of the drink and made it their own, so the story goes.

Kefir is made using full fat cow, sheep or goat milk. It can be made using coconut milk, but it may take longer to ferment. Unlike how yoghurt is made, kefir does not need the milk to be heated, even though it is very similar to yoghurt.

It can be used in cooking, instead of yoghurt or buttermilk. If you enjoy yoghurt, then kefir is very similar in taste; it is tangy and has a thick consistenc­y.

Kefir possesses many probiotics beneficial for optimum gut health. It also contains strains of yeast that have been shown to help improve gut health. This can lead to improved immunity, thereby helping the body fight against disease.

The probiotics and the strains of yeast present in the kefir grains help to break down the lactose present in the milk, making it a low lactose product. This is especially useful for lactose intolerant people, who would be able to digest the kefir and reap the benefits.

The nutritiona­l value of kefir is dependent on the milk used to make it. But there are sufficient dietary minerals and vitamins present to enhance overall well-being. There are many ways to include kefir into your diet. Here are some recipes to help you achieve this.

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