Eastern Eye (UK)



RICE is an important crop around the world.

It is a main staple in many Asian countries, contributi­ng as much as 50 per cent of the daily calories to almost half of the world’s population.

Many varieties of rice are grown throughout the world.

Each has its own distinctiv­e texture and taste. For example, Arborio rice is grown in the north of Italy and is the only rice used to make risotto. It has a short, plump grain that is ideal for making risotto due to the fact that it absorbs a lot of water without becoming too soft and keeping a bit of bite to an otherwise creamy texture.

Basmati rice are long, slender grains grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. They possess a distinct aroma once aged, and are used to make kheer, biryani and pilau.

The most popular rice consumed in large amounts is white rice. It is highly polished, so a lot of the fibre is removed. This has some benefits in that it is more easily digested and therefore, can be a useful food source for people who have a dietary issue. A downside is that it can cause constipati­on, owing to the lack of dietary fibre.

Brown rice contains more dietary fibre, along with being more nutritious. Brown rice, red rice and wild rice are not polished extensivel­y and so retain a lot of antioxidan­ts that are helpful in fighting diseases.

The raw rice grain is a cholestero­l-free, fatfree, sodium-free and sugar-free food. It is a good source of some B vitamins, iron, manganese and magnesium.

Brown rice also contains selenium, which is removed when polished. Selenium is important for aiding thyroid function. Here are some recipes that include rice as an integral part of the dish.

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