Eastern Eye (UK)

Rise in Indian student applicatio­ns


APPLICATIO­NS from Indian undergradu­ate students wishing to study at UK universiti­es have risen by 30 per cent, data has shown.

Analysis by the Universiti­es and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) for the period up to the June 30 deadline (to apply for the new academic year) found 9,930 applicatio­ns were made by Indian students, up from 7,640 last year.

“The whole university community has shown incredible resilience this year. It is encouragin­g to see Indian students continue to make plans to study in the UK and we look forward to welcoming students safely,” said Vivienne Stern, director of Universiti­es UK Internatio­nal (UUKi), which represents more than 140 UK universiti­es.

India remains on the UK’s red list for internatio­nal travel, which requires any students with a valid visa to quarantine at a government-approved hotel for 10 days on arrival in the country. But all internatio­nal students who arrive in the UK will be able to receive their Covid-19 vaccinatio­n from the NHS, free of charge. UCAS predicted a record number of students starting university in the UK later this year.

The increase could be due to students looking to make the most of the UK’s new graduate route, which recently opened for applicatio­ns. It will allow Indian and other foreign students to stay on to work in the UK upon completion of their degree for two or three years, depending on the nature of their course.

The Home Office has also extended the deadline for students to be physically present in the country to be eligible for the new post-study work visa to September this year for the 2020-21 cohort. Students beginning their course later this year or early next year will need to be in the UK by April 6 next year.

UUKi advised students holding an offer for a UK university this year to contact their chosen university to find out more about arrivals and plans for September. The UK has recently also announced that students will have more flexibilit­y in the way they begin their studies, including the option to start online and travel later if necessary, or arriving for the start of term and being supported through any necessary quarantine period.

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