Eastern Eye (UK)

Neonatal mortality


A SHOCKING new report has revealed that British Asian babies have a 60 per cent increased risk of neonatal mortality compared to white babies.

The figures show Asian and black babies and women living in the most deprived areas of the country continue to be at a substantia­lly increased risk of neonatal mortality.

Experts said the mortality rate remains “staggering­ly high” for Asian and black babies, despite the overall rate of neonatal mortality falling by 12 per cent since 2015.

Mortality rates are especially high in the northwest of England and the West Midlands – areas which have a substantia­l Asian population.

Charity bosses have called for more to be done, including further research to develop interventi­ons which work to reduce the neonatal death rate equitably.

Many have said the reasons behind the inequaliti­es are not clear – so it is vital that researcher­s can investigat­e the root causes.

It is vital there is investment in culturally-tailored services to support women and families during a pregnancy.

It is especially important as the stigma associated with losing a child is made worse due to certain mindsets in the Asian community, which could make a bereavemen­t even more challengin­g.

It is grossly unjust that in this day and age, babies are more likely to die based on their ethnic background or where they are born. They have barely started their lives and the odds are already against them.

Authoritie­s must work on joinedup action with local community groups so that health services can support mothers and their babies during pregnancy to ensure the best possible outcome.

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