Eastern Eye (UK)

Close contact with others increases your chances of catching Covid. So: Take a test before meeting others


• Take a Covid lateral flow test before meeting friends and family this festive season. If your LFD is positive, you must selfisolat­e and take a PCR test. You are at higher risk of catching or passing on Covid-19 in crowded and enclosed spaces, where there are more people who might be infectious and where there is limited fresh air.

• Take a rapid lateral flow test if you are expecting there to be a period of higher risk that day. This includes spending time in crowded, enclosed, and busy spaces or before visiting people who are more at risk of severe illness if they get Covid-19.

• Anyone travelling to the UK for the festive season must complete a passenger locator form, take a Covid-19 PCR test on or before day two of arrival to the UK and self-isolate until they receive a negative test.

Let in the fresh air when meeting indoors

• Letting in fresh air can help reduce the spread of Covid-19; open doors and windows even for 10 minutes when you are meeting indoors; it can help you and your loved ones stay safe.

• Wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed areas; it can help reduce the spread of the virus.

• Face coverings are mandatory in shops and on public transport.

Dr Helen Lawal (right) said: “Christmas is around the corner, and we are all looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. It’s so important to remember that Covid-19 hasn’t gone away. With this in mind, make sure that you are taking the necessary precaution­s to minimise the risk of the virus spreading. You can do this by making sure indoor spaces are well ventilated by opening windows, even just for 10 minutes. Not only this, wearing face coverings on public transport, in public enclosed spaces, in large groups and taking a rapid Covid-19 lateral flow test before special occasions such as meeting up with friends and family or celebratin­g Christmas with work colleagues will help stop the spread of the virus and keep each other safe.”

Get your Covid vaccinatio­n or booster jab • Getting both doses of the vaccine, and a booster jab if you are eligible, is the best way of protecting yourself against the risk of serious illness or hospitalis­ation due to contractin­g the virus. It’s free of charge and easy to book your vaccinatio­n, so if you haven’t had your jab already it’s important to do so now, especially if you’re considerin­g social mixing this festive season.

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