Eastern Eye (UK)

Javid: Friends in high places


THIS is a little harsh to say, but former health secretary Sajid Javid – who has decided to stand down as the Tory MP for Bromsgrove at the next election – could have been a better friend to prime minister Rishi Sunak.

Sajid, who held two of the great offices of state – home secretary under Theresa May and chancellor in Boris Johnson’s administra­tion – will probably make a lot more money in the private sector. But he may find this won’t be as much fun as being at the heart of British politics.

Where did Sajid go wrong? He looked like a man of principle when he resigned on February 13, 2020, from Boris’s government rather than accept Dominic Cumming’s diktat that he could not appoint his own special advisers.

Boris rescued him from the political wilderness and appointed him health secretary. But on July 5, 2022, he quit a second time, saying he “can no longer continue in good conscience”.

Sajid’s hopes of fighting the leadership contest ended in humiliatio­n when he pulled out on July 12, 2022 after finding he could not get the 20 MPs needed to put him on the ballot.

After detecting Liz Truss was going to win the contest, he made a bad call. He endorsed her on August 3, 2022, warning Rishi’s economic prescripti­on would mean “sleepwalki­ng into a high-tax, low-growth” economy.

Events proved his judgement was flawed in every way. Truss did not give him a job.

When she stepped down and Rishi looked like emerging the winner, Sajid backed him on October 21, 2022: “It is abundantly clear that Rishi Sunak has what it takes to match the challenges we face – he is the right person to lead our party and take the country forward.”

Rishi, too, didn’t give him a job. Although he is only 55, Sajid has decided there is no future for him in politics. In his resignatio­n statement, he said: “I always sought to make decisions in the national interest and in line with my values, and I can only hope my best was sufficient. I will, of course, continue to support my friend the prime minister and the people of Bromsgrove in any way I can.”

Rishi responded: “Sad to see my good friend Sajid Javid stepping back from politics. He’s been a proud champion of enterprise and opportunit­y during his time in government and on the backbenche­s – particular­ly for the people of Bromsgrove. May the Force be with you, Saj.”

The days when Sajid topped Eastern Eye’s Power List in 2020 now seem like a very long time ago.

 ?? ?? MAKING CHOICES: Sajid Javid (left) and Rishi Sunak in Downing Street in 2021
MAKING CHOICES: Sajid Javid (left) and Rishi Sunak in Downing Street in 2021

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