Eastern Eye (UK)

Thakrar named heart charity patron


ASIAN businessma­n Shane Thakrar has been named as a patron of the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Thakrar is the CEO of Dallas Holdings, which owns and operates franchised food and beverage brands. The family has a history of supporting the BHF through the Thakrar Foundation.

Lord Hintze, a business leader who establishe­d the hedge fund CQS in 1999 and currently serves as its group executive chairman and senior investment officer, was also named as a BHF patron.

Both businessme­n will use their positions to raise awareness about the BHF and help raise funds for research.

Thakrar said, “Heart disease affects nearly all of us, and has had a profound impact on my family and I.

“It is therefore a privilege to help the British Heart Foundation raise awareness of its cutting-edge research in areas such as AI, gene editing, and regenerati­ve medicine so it can continue to raise the funds needed to power urgently needed scientific progress.”

Both have reportedly already made significan­t contributi­ons to BHF’s cause by hosting events and supporting fundraisin­g efforts for its £30 million CureHeart programme. It brings together scientists working on geneeditin­g techniques that hold the potential to cure inherited heart muscle diseases.

The BHF chief executive, Dr Charmaine Griffiths, said, “In the wake of the pandemic, people with heart and circulator­y diseases have never needed us more.

“But with leading philanthro­pists

like Lord Hintze and Shane Thakrar supporting us, our aim is to accelerate the pace at which our researcher­s turn cutting-edge

areas of science into new lifesaving treatments and cures. We’re extremely grateful for their continued and ongoing support.”

 ?? ?? SUPPORT SYSTE : Lord Hintze; and (right) Sh ne Thakrar
SUPPORT SYSTE : Lord Hintze; and (right) Sh ne Thakrar

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