Eastern Eye (UK)

Princess praises Polar Preet’s ‘incredible’ feat


BRITISH Sikh Army captain Preet Chandi has won praise from the Catherine, Princess of Wales, for her record-breaking solo trek across Antarctica.

Chandi completed her unsupporte­d and unassisted expedition in the icy continent – the longest such journey by a woman – in January this year, covering 1,484km (922 miles) in 70 days and 16 hours.

During her visit to Landau Forte College in Derby last Wednesday (8), the princess said the army officer’s feat was “incredible” which would inspire others to push boundaries.

Catherine told Chandi: “I just think it’s incredible, what you’ve been able to achieve.”

“Being by yourself… as humans, we are meant to connect and be with each other, and being on your own all that time is really challengin­g.”

The Princess, a patron of Chandi’s challenge, also attempted pulling two tyres attached to

a harness, which Chandi practised on Derby’s roads ahead of her expedition to simulate the weight of her sledge, which weighed 120 kg.

The royal told students at the college that Chandi “has been a huge inspiratio­n to me and it’s been great to see her journey and what she has been able to achieve in the year she has been

working towards this incredible goal. I really hope it inspires you all to believe in yourself, to push boundaries and to really work on your own resilience, because there are such strong messages that really help support your emotional and mental well-being,” she said.

Chandi, 33, trekked 13-15 hours daily during her polar journey, in the face of temperatur­es dipping to as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius.

The physiother­apist joined the Army Reserves at 19 and the regular Army at 27. Polar Preet, as she is popularly known, said the challenge was physically “very difficult, but mentally it was a whole different ball game.”

“When you’re looking into nothingnes­s, it is tough to keep going,” Chandi, who is based in Buckingham­shire, said.

“It was hard, it was cold, it was frustratin­g, but I thought about the ‘why’ and that helped me.”

Chandi had completed a solo 1,127-km (700-mile) trek to the South Pole in 40 days last year, becoming the first woman of colour to do so.

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ROLE ODEL: The Princess f Wales attempts o pull es ehin her, she tries the re stance rainin used Captai ee Chandi; (inset ight with hand

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