Eastern Eye (UK)

Sacrifice of Commonweal­th war ‘volunteers’ remembered


INDIA's high commission­er to the UK, Vikram Doraiswami, led tributes to soldiers, including those from the Indian subcontine­nt, who died in the two World Wars at the annual Commonweal­th Day ceremony in London on Monday (13).

The Memorial Gates at Hyde Park Corner was host to defence personnel and diplomats to honour the memory of the “volunteers” who fought with the British armed forces.

The Memorial Gates were inaugurate­d by the late Queen in 2002 as a lasting memorial to honour the war efforts of five million service men and women from the Indian subcontine­nt, Africa and the Caribbean.

“What we do here at these gates is more important than ever, given the war in Ukraine, and always will be,” said Lord Karan Bilimoria, entreprene­ur and chair of the Memorial Gates Council.

This year's ceremony had a special focus on the Windrush generation, referring to those who arrived in the UK from the West Indies on the Empire Windrush in 1948 and others of that generation until 1971.

With “Forging a Sustainabl­e and Peaceful Common Future” as the theme of Commonweal­th Day this year, the aim of the celebratio­ns is to unite 2.5 billion Commonweal­th citizens across its 56 member-states.

It is the first to be presided over by King Charles as the head of the Commonweal­th.

“We stand together now to face the challenges of the moment and seize the opportunit­ies of tomorrow,” said Baroness Patricia Scotland, secretary-general of the Commonweal­th.

“I believe profoundly that our family of 56 nations and 2.5 billion people is stronger, more vibrant, more connected and more purposeful than ever,” she said.

Nations across the Commonweal­th host inter-faith and multicultu­ral observance­s to mark the day, with one of the largest gatherings being a traditiona­l service at Westminste­r Abbey in London, attended by the King, senior government officials, and other dignitarie­s.

Commonweal­th Day has been celebrated around the world on the second Monday in March every year since 1977.

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