Eastern Eye (UK)

‘Disruption in UK pharmacy sector is frightful and awful’


- By PRIYANKUR MANDAV Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

BRITAIN’S pharmacy sector is in crisis and at risk of a significan­t collapse, according to Janet Morrison, chief of the team that negotiates pharmacy’s national contract with the government.

Pharmacy, which relies heavily on income from prescripti­ons, cannot afford to “carry on with the current format of a contract and the current amount of money”, she said.

Morrison’s comments came last week at the inaugurati­on of the 13th Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Speaking via a video link, sbe predicted that “a lot of consolidat­ion or sales” would continue, while several smaller, independen­tly-owned community pharmacies – which had to work harder and harder to make ends meet – were just “hanging on in there”.

Addressing delegates, she noted the challenges faced by pharmacy in view of increasing demands on the NHS budget.

“I don’t know how much longer people can go on,” Morrison said. She added that the risk of closure added pressure on the remaining pharmacies to the extent that “they may not be able to pick up the slack of many thousands of patients” needing repeat prescripti­ons.

“The disruption is frightful and awful. We have got 53 per cent of the population on repeat prescripti­ons, so that matters,” Morrison said.

The Sigma conference – from March 4 to last Thursday (9) – was attended by 250 delegates, among them community pharmacy owners and stakeholde­rs.

In a blunt admission, Morrison said any urgent funding uplift on the basis of the current five-year national contract was unlikely to materialis­e. The only way that pharmacy could get more money – if at all – would be if it came from other NHS pots.

However, she cautioned that the instructio­n for the health service as well as the incoming Integrated Care Boards – a statutory NHS organisati­on responsibl­e to develop a plan for the health needs of the local population – was to work towards “reform and greater efficiency”. This meant there was no extra money to be had, she noted.

Another speaker, Dr Leyla Hannbeck, CEO of the Associatio­n of Independen­t Multiple Pharmacies, criticised the apparent government “apathy” towards community pharmacy, describing it as a “national disgrace”.

She argued there was a culture of “imposing” things on pharmacy rather than “consulting” with the sector.

Hannbeck noted the NHS was set to get a funding boost of £6 billion from the Treasury, while nothing was earmarked for community pharmacy.

“We should move away from accepting there is no money in the pot. There is money in the pot. But where this money is going is another question. Is this money being spent where the taxpayer gets most benefit?” she asked.

Andrew Lane, the chair of the National Pharmacy Associatio­n, told the conference “pharmacies in England are being choked” by the national contract, which he described as being “unfit for purpose after years of underfundi­ng”.

Instead of contractor­s being the “master of their own destiny”, the contractua­l framework put them at the “mercy of circumstan­ces” beyond their control, Lane argued. This could be due to wholesale price rises or the reluctance of some family doctors to refer NHS services to pharmacies for minor ailments, he said.

“A fundamenta­l rethink is needed if the sector is to recover, thrive and deliver for patients,” Lane said, as he rejected the idea that pharmacies would be viable by taking on new services without additional funding.

Morrison said the “most likely thing we will get funded for is Pharmacy First” which provides profession­al healthcare advice, treatments, and medicines for common illnesses in local pharmacies.

“Pharmacy First is the flavour of the month”, she said, of the scheme which has proven successful in Scotland and Wales, by both patients and pharmacist­s.

She added that the initiative, part of the primary care recovery plan, was the most realistic and viable solution, and is the “closest we can get to core funding”.

Morrison revealed her belief in quiet, behind-the-scenes diplomacy to make the case for pharmacy when working with government ministers, who operate on a ‘you are with us or against us’ basis.

“We have to make the case as a profession­al, competent, analytical, smart sector that has solutions, not just problems, and that we can align to make things work better,” she said.

She reminded delegates of the negotiatio­n challenges, saying, “We are fighting against parameters that have already been set.”

Morrison said the Department of Health and Social Care have instructio­ns from the Treasury to balance the books and work within the final five-year funding envelope.

To a question on whether the sector should consider taking industrial action, Morrison said it was up to individual contractor­s and their unions to decide. However, she cautioned such action could be seen as confrontat­ional and should therefore be used only as a last resort.

With Labour leading opinion polls ahead of the next general election due in 2024, Morrison said her team at the Pharmaceut­ical Services Negotiatin­g Committee was trying to build relationsh­ips and alliances with Labour. She said talks were ongoing with shadow health secretary Wes Streeting’s team, policy groups and Labour-leaning thinktanks.

“The economic situation we are in is very pressing, but it will not be any better or different” with a change in political dispensati­on in Westminste­r,” she said.

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 ?? ?? WARNING SIGNS: (From left) Dr Bharat Shah CBE, Manish Shah and Kamal Shah, founders of Sigma Pharmaceut­icals; and (clockwise from inset, far left) Dr Leyla Hannbeck; Janet Morrison; Hatul Shah, the Sigma conference chair; and Andrew Lane
WARNING SIGNS: (From left) Dr Bharat Shah CBE, Manish Shah and Kamal Shah, founders of Sigma Pharmaceut­icals; and (clockwise from inset, far left) Dr Leyla Hannbeck; Janet Morrison; Hatul Shah, the Sigma conference chair; and Andrew Lane

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