Eastern Eye (UK)

Musician recovering after ‘health setback’



RENOWNED Carnatic musician Bombay Jayashri Ramnath, who suffered a “health setback” while touring the UK is stable and recovering well, her spokespers­on said last Friday (24).

A statement on the singer’s social media account said Jayashri Ramnath, who is in Britain for a music tour, received “timely medical interventi­on” from the NHS and is currently “stable”.

“Bombay Jayashri had a health setback in the UK where she is currently touring for her concerts. She received timely medical interventi­on thanks to the capable staff at the NHS and her accompanyi­ng artists,” the statement said. “She is currently stable and recovering well. She requires rest for a couple of days.”

Giridhar Udupa, who accompanie­s the Carnatic vocalist on the ghatam (a percussion instrument), said the operation at a specialist NHS Walton Centre in Liverpool last Thursday (23) was successful and the singer, who is in her 50s, was under observatio­n. “She is in very good hands, the doctors are taking great care and she has the best medical care here,” he said.

The singer felt unwell while at her hotel in Liverpool last Thursday. She was first taken to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, before being shifted to the specialist neurology centre.

Jayashri and her team of musicians are on a tour of the UK and were scheduled to perform at a concert at the Tung Auditorium in Liverpool last Friday, which was cancelled.

“Unfortunat­ely, Ms Jayashri is unwell and undergoing treatment. We have no further details to share, and we respect the family’s request for privacy,” said Milap, the arts and culture company behind the event.

Their UK tour opened with a London concert at the Southbank Centre last week.

Jayashri is known for singing songs in multiple languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi.

 ?? ?? ‘IN GOOD HANDS’: Bombay Jayashri
‘IN GOOD HANDS’: Bombay Jayashri

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