Eastern Eye (UK)

Iftar at Stamford Bridge


THE Chelsea Foundation last weekend hosted an iftar event at Stamford Bridge, a first for the club and a Premier League stadium.

A number of local mosques and members of the Muslim community, including supporters and school students, were invited to attend the Open Iftar event last Sunday (26) alongside Chelsea FC staff.

The event was organised in collaborat­ion with the Ramadan Tent Project, a charity establishe­d in 2013 with the aim of promoting community cohesion and enhancing understand­ing of Ramadan.

Open Iftar is the UK’s largest community event during Ramadan, providing Muslims observing the fast with an opportunit­y to break it together. Founder, and CEO of the Ramadan Tent Project, Omar Salha, said, “For the past decade Ramadan Tent Project has connected and convened over half a million people from all background­s through its Ramadan Festival and flagship initiative Open Iftar.

“We are honoured to bring Open Iftar to Stamford Bridge, on the occasion of our 10-year anniversar­y and our 2023 theme of “Belonging”, and work in partnershi­p with Chelsea FC who have been driving inclusivit­y in football.

“Football and Ramadan bring people together over shared experience­s and we are thrilled to share this important celebratio­n with football supporters from all background­s, representi­ng a community of communitie­s.”

Ramadan is recognised at Chelsea as part of the No To Hate campaign, a club-wide programme dedicated to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and targeting hate and discrimina­tion.

Simon Taylor, head of Chelsea Foundation, expressed his delight in announcing the Open Iftar event in collaborat­ion with the Ramadan Tent Project.

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© Chelsea FC TOGETHER: Open Iftar

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