Eastern Eye (UK)

Cricket Scotland blamed


LAWYER Aamer Anwar, who represente­d two former cricket players who faced racist abuse, has alleged that Cricket Scotland remains ‘unfit for purpose’, reported the Times.

Anwar’s comments came after Cricket Scotland’s interim chief executive Gordon Arthur announced his decision to stand down next month. Credited with stabilisin­g the cricket body, Arthur was appointed last July following the publicatio­n of a report last summer that found the body to be institutio­nally racist.

“Despite the horrific exposure of institutio­nal racism, Cricket Scotland’s empty soundbites today show that it remains unfit for purpose. Both Majid Haq and Qasim Sheikh are sad to see the chief executive Arthur step down, he was a man who genuinely fought for change to take place,” Anwar, who represente­d the former players, was quoted as saying by the Times.

“My clients, both Majid and Qasim, believe the chair has failed to deliver or inspire genuine confidence from across the sport, and they regard the process as little more than an ‘arrogant cosmetic box ticking exercise’.”

The solicitor also urged Sportscotl­and to step in.

Meanwhile, Cricket Scotland chair Anjan Luthra has claimed that significan­t progress has been made in the past six months. “In addition to saving the firm from insolvency, we have profession­alised the women’s game, and significan­tly upgraded our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion,” Luthra said in the recently published governance review.

“This includes an update on the ‘changing the boundaries’ workstream­s, but also outlines the wider issues Cricket Scotland faces. It includes the progress made to date and an update on the publicatio­n of the groundbrea­king governance review as well as changes to the executive team,” he said.

According to Sportscotl­and, cultural change can be delivered within the sport ‘only by engaging in real and meaningful consultati­on’.

“The final decision on whether Cricket Scotland exits special measures will be taken by Sportscotl­and and will be dependent on all recommenda­tions from the changing the boundaries report being met in full,” a spokesman said.

 ?? ?? BITTER TRUTH: Aamer Anwar

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