Easy Gardens

Cucumbers & courgettes


Courgettes and cucumbers belong to the cucurbit family and both come in compact varieties suitable for growing in pots. Vine types, which naturally tend to sprawl, can be trained vertically, providing the support can take the weight of the fruit.

Mini cucumbers are popular for pots – try the ‘Lemon Apple’ variety which, apart from being yellow and round like an apple, is unusual in that it tastes sweet and tangy at the same time.

Compact courgettes include ‘Midnight’, while other less usual varieties are ball shaped.

Growing tip

Although easy to grow, cucurbits need warmth, so pop seedlings on a sunny windowsill before planting out from the end of May to early June. Protect from slugs and cover with cloches on cool nights. For best results, keep plants well watered and use a liquid feed once a fortnight.

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