Easy Gardens



To create a jungle effect inside your home, you’ll need at least one monster plant for that lush look. For sheer size and impact, you can’t beat the Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa), which has large, heart-shaped leaves that develop long, eye-catching cuts and holes.

GROWING TIP: Find this plant the brightest spot you can in order for it to reach its potential, and prune it selectivel­y to maintain its size.

There’s also the statelyloo­king fiddle-leaf fig

(Ficus lyrata), weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) and the slim-fit rubber plant. All can be divas, underperfo­rming when there’s a draught or if over-watered, but are mostly forgiving of neglect, so perfect for those who lack green fingers.

GROWING TIP: Place in good light, but not direct sunlight. Dropping leaves are a sign of over-watering.

 ??  ?? Fiddle-leaf fig
Fiddle-leaf fig
 ??  ?? Swiss cheese plant
Swiss cheese plant

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