Easy Gardens

Top jobs for FEBRUARY


1 Start hardy annuals, salad leaves, onion and leek seedlings in trays under cover. Also, sow early tomatoes and cucumbers in warmth.

2 Young bulbs are available to buy now and will either just be flowering or be in bud, and should bloom through March and April.

Make sure they are planted in well-drained soil, otherwise they will be at risk of rotting.

3 Start chilli, pepper and aubergine seeds off now. Slow-to-mature veg needs a head start on other crops.

4 Keep on top of weeding. Running a hoe through your borders once a week cuts off young seedlings, which can be left on the soil to rot down as a free green manure.

5 Sow early variety potato sets one to a bucket in a light, frost-free place, and you might be seeing new potatoes for Easter!

6 February can be a very cold month, so keep your bird feeders and tables well stocked. Clean out your birdbath regularly to prevent disease, and keep it topped up with plenty of fresh water.

7 Test the ph of your soil – kits can be bought from garden centres. Excess acid or alkaline results can lock up soil nutrients, causing deficienci­es.

8 Keep an eye on weather forecasts. Temperatur­es can sometimes drop drasticall­y overnight, which could harm vulnerable seedlings that need covering.

9 Weed weekly, but remember to leave a few flowers standing in order to supply nectar for early flying pollinator­s.

10 Improve compacted lawns by aerating the soil, punching holes a couple of inches deep into the turf using a garden fork or aeration tool. This helps drainage and air circulatio­n around the grass roots.

 ??  ?? Want to grow your own salad? Start planting now!
Want to grow your own salad? Start planting now!
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