Edinburgh Evening News

SNP turmoil


The SNP president Michael Russell has admitted the party is in a “tremendous mess” as the leadership campaign enters its final week

Ewan James

Many years of abusing their position. Too much power. Will we ever know what these lot have really been up to while wrecking Scotland?

Wilson Patrick

Aye Russell, it would seem selective amnesia runs in this party.

Jillian Muir Hill

Did he need to admit this? It has been obvious for over a decade.

Kristian Cooper

It's been in a tremendous mess for all time. Mundell and Sturgeon have kept its members gagged and stamped down any other opinions within its ranks, only now are things allowed to surface. The red flags have been there all along but the question is, will their blind and loyal supporters continue to blame media and Westminste­r for their own mess?

Denys McNair

What purpose does Michael Russell serve? He appears so out of touch with the reality that has contribute­d to this "mess" over a long time. This SNP mess is much bigger than the three candidates in the leadership contest. The recent spate of high level resignatio­ns is in addition to previous resignatio­ns of cabinet ministers, and press reports of inappropri­ate behaviour by SNP MSPs. Even Nicola Sturgeon is currently facing a trial over the Hamilton Report.

Gordon Devlin

Russell is as embroiled in this mess as Sturgeon and Murrell are. Red flags should have been raised and acted on when the SNP’s own audit committee resigned en masse due to Murrell’s lack of cooperatio­n in auditing the accounts.

Trev Vennard

Another master of the understate­ment! We the public have no confidence in the SNP government, we deserve a general election.

Alex Macleod

Put the man who turned a blind eye to it all in charge... great idea.

Cllr Todd Ferguson

Russell is front and centre as much a reason for the ‘tremendous mess’ as Murrell was. If the SNP membership have any semblance of sense remaining following all the controvers­y, they would get rid of him immediatel­y!

Margot Stewart

Scotland's FM resigns completely out of the blue. Deputy FM resigns. Chief Constable of Police Scotland resigns. Lord Advocate resigns with immediate effect. legal affairs). CEO of SNP and husband of FM resigns s SNP treasurer resigns along with three other members after being refused access to the accounts. Head of SNP communicat­ions resigns after feeding the press imaginary SNP membership numbers. Two of the three leadership candidates have effectivel­y accused the party of rigging an election. The next few weeks will be interestin­g.

Stuart Middleton

Independen­ce is not happening. Scotland is in a right mess. The SNP win all the elections in Scotland. Says it all.

MK Devlin

Scotland needs a full and independen­t audit of it's finances.

Laws Kanda

The reality is that the vast majority of SNP members and supporters are defecting to the Labour Party, which will sweep all the SNP seats in Scotland. My wise Scottish friends do not want incompeten­t government.

Philip Easton

She was handed a thriving political party when she took over. She leaves behind a toxic, empty shell comparable with Chernobyl. Ladies and gentlemen, Nicola Sturgeon - saviour of the Union.

Del Hanlon

The whole world is on a mess. But a wee lassie with a bible won’t fix the SNP.

Anne-Marie Kennedy

Still the biggest party in Scotland. Doesn’t say much for the rest of the parties.

Care home saga

The saga of Edinburgh’s Drumbrae care home, which has lain empty for more than a year after health bosses said the cost of converting it for medical use was too high, has been branded “a fiasco”,

Louise Wilson

Maybe it would have been better left as a school instead of cramming all the children into the other surroundin­g schools!

Heatheř Andersoň

To think that a popular primary school was demolished for this! I think they should just get rid of this and rebuild Drumbrae Primary!

Kat Nicol

It won’t help matters that it was flooded over winter.

Steven Robertson

Another CEC botch.

 ?? ?? Michael Russell, who stood down as an SNP MSP two years ago is interim party chief executive
Michael Russell, who stood down as an SNP MSP two years ago is interim party chief executive

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