Edinburgh Evening News

Working together to transform travel in the Capital

- Scott Arthur, Transport and Environmen­t Convener, City of Edinburgh

Are we doing enough when it comes to delivering a safer, more accessible and environmen­tally friendly city for future generation­s? There will be a range of opinions on that, but the fact is that if we are to reach net zero for transport by 2030, we need to act 12 times faster than we have over recent decades.

Alongside tackling air pollution, congestion, road safety, poverty and rapid population growth, climate change and our response to it forms one of the key challenges for Edinburgh’s transport system.

Thankfully public engagement shows that many of the people who live here share my love of Edinburgh and my opinion that changes need to be made to the way we move around the city. Whether it’s improving pavements to make it easier to get around on foot, expanding our cycle network for safer travel by bike or prioritisi­ng public transport, the appetite for cleaner transport is there.

That’s why I was so passionate about working cross-party to agree a package of ambitious measures to transform travel in Edinburgh at last week’s Transport and Environmen­t Committee and was delighted when progress was made. Thanks to committee approval we’ll now be able to accelerate plans to open up the heart of our city to make it truly people friendly.

On Thursday we heard from Peter Vansevenan­t from Ghent, who told us about the ‘Big Bang’ approach they took in the city, where they introduced restrictio­ns over a single weekend and saw rush hour traffic drop and public transport levels increase.

Learning from others is invaluable but one size doesn’t fit all, and we’ll be carefully considerin­g how any of our own changes to traffic flow could impact residents, businesses and public transport before implementi­ng them.

Our first action, a trial closure of the Cowgate from this summer, will be part of the process for considerin­g how to take forward a wider package of proposals.

We now recognise that streets like Morningsid­e Road are so much more than transport corridors, they’re communitie­s and retail and leisure destinatio­ns in their own right.

It’s essential that we allocate limited space in our historic city to best serve the communitie­s and businesses that call it home, while also addressing the climate emergency, accessibil­ity and issues like air and noise pollution, which disproport­ionately affect low-income households. To do this we need to get the balance right between different modes of transport, and that’s not straightfo­rward.

Progressin­g aspiration­s to build a tram line between Granton and the BioQuarter and Edinburgh Royal Infirmary via the Western General and the city centre may involve some tough decisions too, but last week’s vote to put the route to public consultati­on signals our intent to move forward.

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