Edinburgh Evening News

Crackdown on youth disorder is starting to pay off


The last couple of months have been a busy time for policing across the city of Edinburgh and the teams have been working hard tackling a number of issues.

During December into January we had increased complaints of youths disorder around the east end of Princes Street, so we instigated a policing operation with colleagues from British Transport Police to engage with the youths and discourage underage drinking and antisocial behaviour.

We establishe­d that groups of youths were travelling from outside the city of Edinburgh to congregate and while the vast majority were there to socialise and enjoy themselves responsibl­y a very small minority were engaging in disorder.

By working with colleagues in neighbouri­ng areas, schools, youth organisati­ons and parents, officers were able to effectivel­y divert the youths away from their problemati­c behaviours. I am pleased to say the issue has been significan­tly reduced but it will remain a priority.

We also work closely with the Community Alcohol Partnershi­p in local schools to reduce alcohol related disorder and encourage responsibl­e drinking and these partnershi­ps are key to supporting the communitie­s of Edinburgh.

Another focus is targeting acquisitiv­e crime and particular­ly housebreak­ings.

We review every housebreak­ing in Edinburgh on a daily basis. In the last year we have carried out 370 Crime Prevention Surveys, which are detailed reviews of building security that offer bespoke advice on how best to secure a property.

We work closely with Neighbourh­ood Watch Scotland and they provide schemes that allow residents to share informatio­n. They have a Neighbourh­ood Alert scheme, which allows you to sign up for alerts relating to the area where you live.

Whether it is through Neighbourh­ood Watch or speaking to your neighbours and reporting suspicious activity, you can make a difference and help up us to prevent crime in your area.

You can find more informatio­n on home security on our website scotland.police.uk/ advice-and-informatio­n/ and Neighbourh­ood Watch: neighbourh­ood watch scotland. co.uk

As the weather improves more people will want to enjoy cycling and I am pleased to report that the city has seen a significan­t reduction of collisions involving cyclists.

A lot of this is down to awareness campaigns aimed at drivers highlighti­ng the vulnerabil­ities of cyclists on the roads.

We will also be running bike marking events in the coming months to provide security advice and security marking so please keep an eye on our local X account @PSOSSEEdin­burgh.

 ?? ?? Chief InspectorM­ark HamiltonLo­cal AreaComman­der,South EastEdinbu­rgh
Chief InspectorM­ark HamiltonLo­cal AreaComman­der,South EastEdinbu­rgh
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