Edinburgh Evening News

Here’s to the Auld Alliance – and French hospitalit­y


The French rugby team dodged a bullet at the weekend, courtesy of weak refereeing and although that is just my opinion, it was shared by many French supporters that I spoke to after the game.

I watched the drama unfold from a seat in front of a TV in a bar in Rose Street, and although I am not exactly an avid supporter of the sport (wrong shaped ball) I was on the edge of my seat as the last few seconds provided an astonishin­g finale. As a pupil of Leith Academy (many moons ago) I well remember the iron discipline that was applied when it came to sport.

Rugby was the name of the game and woe betide anyone who was caught kicking a round ball.

Punishment was administer­ed in the shape of Mr Bingham, a diminutive man who took to the task of dishing out the “web” with some relish if he caught you playing football in the gym hall.

His favourite trick was to leave us unsupervis­ed for what we thought was going to be for a good few minutes, only to spring back through the door and line up those caught kicking a ball for his customary punishment.

As this is a family newspaper I am forbidden from divulging his nickname, but I can assure you it was well deserved.

However, back to last Saturday. As Scotts in Rose Street filled up with patrons an hour or so after the final whistle, one generous Frenchman was so relieved that his team had emerged victorious that he ordered 100 Jaeger Bombs and invited all and sundry to avail themselves of his hospitalit­y – which we duly did.

Here’s to the Auld Alliance!

 ?? ?? Lining up the celebrator­y drinks in Scotts Bar on Rose Street
Lining up the celebrator­y drinks in Scotts Bar on Rose Street

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