Edinburgh was hit by a thunderclap which shocked some city residents
I thought a house had exploded nearby. I’ve never heard thunder like that before!
Catriona Downie
I absolutely screamed out when I heard it, it was so loud and such a bright flash. The cat ran from the couch through to the bedroom and we didn’t see her for ages. We are in Dalmeny and the field behind us just seemed to light up.
Elaine Rose Hamilton
I heard it in Leven, two separate flashes is sheet lighting with thunder. John Cumming
Yeah, it was very loud out of nowhere and scared me doing the dishes.
Jennifer Clabbie
It was quite scary! Linda Haggarty
The lightning flash was pretty spectacular too.
Margaret Quinn
Yes, I thought it was an explosion too. Sandra Carr
I heard it in Fife. Wendy Pendy
Heard it in Livingston. Caroline Robertson
I was working in Granton.
At first I thought there had been another shooting. But soon realised that it wasn’t, as there were no sirens.
Diane Inglis
Yes, I heard it in Musselburgh, that was loud.
Willie Milne
Aldi exploding would be truly horrifying, especially before the Thursday special buys. Caroline Lothian
Oh, that’s what it was, I thought someone was putting the buckets out early. Pauline Forfar
I didn’t hear thunder but the lightning was so bright it scared me. I’ve seen many big tropical storms but can’t remember seeing lightning like that before
Jenni Howard
Lol! I thought it was fireworks as it's the Lunar New Year Aisha Scott-Hamilton
I’ve never heard anything like it - a single thunderclap heard over such a large area. I was certain it was an explosion. Nan Halliburton
Tbh the last time I heard one in Leith a few years ago, I thought Chancelot Mill had exploded.
Jamie Heseltine