Edinburgh Evening News

Greens’ voices are vital to protecting our climate future


This is the first time I’ve written a column from London. It's been great to be here, but there's been no time for sightseein­g. Right from the moment I got off the train at Kings Cross on Sunday, it’s been a busy flurry of meetings.

My Scottish Green co-leader, Patrick Harvie and I have been down for a Green summit with our counterpar­ts from the Green parties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

It’s been a really good and all-too rare opportunit­y to get together in-person and a reminder that while our movement respects the independen­ce of parties, we also share a huge passion for working together.

I was excited to discuss the successes we have had with Scottish Greens in government in Holyrood. Some of the steps we have been able to take have set a bar for what is possible for government­s across the UK: banning permission for new incinerato­rs, record investment in active travel infrastruc­ture and renewables, and introducin­g free bus travel for young people.

We’re part of a UK-wide movement, but are also a global one. Wherever you look, there are Green politician­s leading the change and turning the things we have long campaigned for into reality. Being able to speak to allies in the European Green Party and the Global Greens has given Patrick and I invaluable support and meant we could hit the ground running.

There are, of course, difference­s, sometimes big ones. But through collaborat­ion and consensus we can work those out and build solutions. It’s not unlike the approach we have taken to government in Scotland, where we have worked with the SNP to deliver a programme for government and successive budgets that have clear green values running through them.

The years ahead will be crucial for our planet, and the upcoming general election will be key to shaping the UK’s response. By securing the biggest possible vote for Green candidates and parties we can send shockwaves through Westminste­r.

It is not least because of the undemocrat­ic electoral system that Caroline Lucas is the only Green MP to have made it to the House of Commons so far. But, if polls are to be believed, she definitely won’t be the last.

Despite being a lone voice, Caroline has done a fantastic job of forcing the environmen­t up the political agenda. Think what more she could have done with even a handful of Green colleagues in there with her. Green votes can transform politics across the UK, as they are in Scotland.

That was our message to the assembled media, and the message we’ll be taking into the general election. Because only the Green movement can deliver the change we need.

 ?? ?? Lorna Slater, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversi­ty
Lorna Slater, Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversi­ty
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