Edinburgh Evening News

We must do more to reduce loneliness

- Miles Briggs is a Conservati­ve Lothian MSP Miles Briggs

Around 33 per cent of people in Edinburgh feel that they are not involved

One of the lesser discussed issues in our society is loneliness. From time to time, we can all feel a bit lonely and, fortunatel­y for most of us, we get through that – often with the help of others. For some, however, the reality of loneliness is far more chronic.

I recently hosted a crossparty roundtable at The Scottish Parliament with specialist­s and charities to discuss what more can be done to help address loneliness and social isolation in our society.

It was a very productive roundtable, and it was great to see so many people from a variety of sectors interested in engaging in the issue, with communitie­s, charities and organisati­ons united in their efforts to bring an end to the loneliness and isolation that is causing a public health and well-being crisis across Scotland and the United Kingdom.

Edinburgh is classed as one of the loneliest places to live in the UK, with research from Changing Britain indicating that around 33 per cent of people in Edinburgh feel that they are not involved or a part of the community.

In GP surgeries across the country, more and more people are talking to doctors about loneliness issues. For many, this is because of limited social interactio­n with many spending less than an hour per day socialisin­g.

We need to address this very real public health crisis and we need to do it now. The generosity and kindness of organisati­ons such as the Eric Liddell Community centre in Edinburgh is a tremendous asset, and charities like Vintage Vibes are doing excellent work, but they require help and funding to reach more people.

While local authoritie­s are being squeezed, we cannot hope to see an improvemen­t in statistics surroundin­g loneliness in Scotland. It is crucial that we foster community, and church halls, community centres, sports clubs and the like are crucial to this.

We can all make a difference to help tackle loneliness and social isolation across Scotland. Sometimes that starts with a simple conversati­on or asking someone for to meet for a coffee.

 ?? ?? The Eric Liddell Community centre in Edinburgh
The Eric Liddell Community centre in Edinburgh
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