Edinburgh Evening News

Put a grin over your chin should be campaign name

- Fiona Duff

Ihave just made the most incredible discovery. After days of scraping away at some old wallpaper, getting myself soaked with warm soapy water and virtually getting nowhere apart from having a sore arm, I now have a wallpaper steamer.

Well, I only have it for a short time to be honest. I put something up on our local Facebook page about the difficulty I was having and – lo and behold! – a friendly builder working nearby lent me his. He’s called Darryll Wilson in case you are ever looking for a builder with a heart.

Well I put it to the offending material on my wall and off it peeled so easily I almost had a hysterical fit of happiness.

Mind you after a few minutes several other things had to be peeled off – like my scarf and jumper. The room was like a sauna, so an added bonus might be hyper clean skin and a few pounds melting away.

It’s things like this that restore your faith in humanity. With so much evil in the world at large it is just so nice when someone does something and expects nothing in return.

Like when I got to the supermarke­t checkout to discover that my credit card wasn’t in my pocket. Of course I panicked, thinking some Artful Dodger type had nicked it.

As I explained this to the cashier he produced it from below the counter and said: “Is this it? I just had it handed in to me”. That was a major phew, I can tell you. So let us not dwell on the horrible people committing terrible crimes and think about how we can help each other put a little bit of joy in their lives.

I try to smile at as many people as possible as I wander around the streets of Edinburgh. No doubt about half of those on the receiving end think I am some sort of local village idiot, but there are always those that smile back and instantly look happier.

Put a grin over your chin should be this campaign name. Must go, got another wall to steam, and I’ll certainly be beaming from ear to ear.

 ?? ?? The use of a wallpaper steamer brought almost a ‘hysterical fit of happiness ‘
The use of a wallpaper steamer brought almost a ‘hysterical fit of happiness ‘
 ?? ??

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