Edinburgh Evening News

‘How many still drive with bad eyesight?’


A campaigner’s bid to get a parliament­ary debate on whether or not over-65s should have to retake the driving test has failed.

Deniss Fomins claimed there were a lot of older road users who “should not be” behind the wheel.

He subsequent­ly launched a petition to try and get the topic debated in parliament, which requires 100,000 signatures to have it considered.

In the petition, Fomins said: “I travel a lot, and often see older drivers who I believe should not be driving.

“Some misuse turn signals, others appear to have sight issues. Reactions also worsen with age.”

The current rule for drivers means they don’t have to take mandatory tests or health checks after obtaining their licence no matter how old they become.

However, once you reach 70 you must renew every three years.

Readers on Facebook posted their support for Mr Fomins petition.

Nichola Ditchburn said: “65 is a bit young to be honest, but I do agree with re-tests. Capability tests. Roads systems and laws have also changed so much in the past 50-60 years older people definitely need a recap. It's definitely a safety concern. Don’t turn it into a money spinner.”

Nataja Amanda Dickins added: “I wouldn’t say fully retake the test, but they should have to do a refresher.”

Sarah Hartles agreed. She posted: “I agree with this because as you age eyesight and reaction times reduce.”

Sukh Singh said: “For health and safety reasons. Should do but only if medical records suggest. How many people may still be driving with bad eyesight.”

Meanwhile, Phill Tomlinson posted: “At 50 years old we have to take a medical as HGV drivers, then every five years. This should apply to everyone.”

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