Edinburgh Evening News

The average age of a firsttime homebuyer in Scotland is 31


At what age does he or she actually become a home owner as opposed to merely getting a mortgage for a house?

Fraser Anderson

I'm 28 and have been saving for nearly five years. It's tough because you think you have enough and the reality when you have a look at the market again is that prices have risen. There is no affordable housing, even though the government are saying there is. For someone trying to buy a house on their own it's super tough!

Vix Brydon

I can't even afford the ladder, never mind the property to go with it. I’m 32 in full time employment since I left high school.

Vin Lynch

The price of housing gets higher and higher, yet my wages won't meet those increases. On top of food, rent and bills, how the hell am I to save £12-£20K for a mortgage deposit? I'm more likely to be made homeless than buy my own home.

Martin Dick

This is a joke, young couples paying £800 a month for a rental can not get a mortgage because the deposit is too high.

Alan Wood

Continued London rule will ensure further financial strangulat­ion of Scotland and the people that live and work here. The sooner we end London rule the sooner we will have a chance of having a government that will work for the people rather than their own interests. How and why people think a parliament full of self-interested English politician­s are EVER going to work for Scotland's best interests is beyond me.

Barry Kirk

I was 31 when I bought my first flat for £21,000 in 1986. A one-bedroom flat in sunny Leith.

Brian Bell

I have enough deposit but won't get a decent mortgage for a decent place in Edinburgh.

Serena Valori

I tried and it doesn't matter how hard you work, it’s never gonna happen.

Lyndsay Mccallum

 ?? ?? First time home buyers are struggling to get on the property ladder
First time home buyers are struggling to get on the property ladder

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