Edinburgh Evening News

‘Move two weeks from summer to Christmas’


A report suggesting a cut of two weeks to the school summer holidays got readers talking on our Facebook page this week.

A four-week summer holiday instead of a six-week break could be part of changes “to a school calendar that has been stuck in place since Victorian times,” according to the new report on tackling post-pandemic education inequaliti­es.

The Nuffield Foundation report, which is due to be published in full next month, looks set to call for changes so summer holidays in state schools are cut from six weeks to four, while half-term breaks in autumn and winter could each be extended from one week to two.

The summary of the report states: “This would make planning easier and help to alleviate mounting fatigue and pressure faced by teachers and their pupils during the long autumn term before Christmas.”

Some readers welcomed the idea, saying it would make childcare easier to manage.

Emma Freeman posted: “I work full-time so my kids at home for six weeks is difficult to juggle. They spend time in holiday club and myself and my partner take it turns to cover the rest. With limited holiday days we can take, we can’t have many off together.”

Ian Holland added: “I've said it for years. Six weeks is too long. Make it four weeks from mid-July to mid-August. And then give an extra week off at Xmas and another at Easter.”

Lisa Lee agreed, saying: “Most of us still have to work during the six-week holidays, I say make the Christmas holidays longer instead.”

Annabelle Godwin came up with an interestin­g alternativ­e plan, posting: “I'd rather them have four weeks and be in school two weeks extra. But let parents take two weeks flexible time when they need it for a family holiday without being fined.”

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