Edinburgh Evening News

Labour no help to Scotland


Despite the constant barrage from opponents claiming everything in Scotland is useless, the latest Redfield & Wilton poll, whose methodolog­y is the least favourable towards the SNP, puts the SNP four percentage points ahead of Labour for the next Holyrood elections.

Therefore, prediction­s that Humza Yousaf won’t last long seem rather premature.

Labour remained silent when Alister Jack sabotaged the Deposit Return Scheme, which was successful­ly introduced in Ireland in February and last weekend saw one million drinks containers returned rather than littering the streets.

But then Ireland’s economy has thrived as part of the EU, while Labour even remains opposed to freedom of movement that has damaged NHS recruitmen­t and in the agricultur­e and hospitalit­y sectors in Scotland, and will prevent the UK growth Labour hopes for.

Following Sir Keir Starmer’s pressure on the Speaker to save his skin and sabotage the SNP’s motion on Gaza, Labour MPs were whipped to abstain on the Tory Budget that they basically agreed with, while it was left to the SNP and others to oppose it.

The more Scottish voters learn about Starmer and his numerous U-turns, the less likely they will vote for him, while the SNP’s Westminste­r leader Stephen Flynn has been very impressive and cuts straight to the chase without notes at PMQs.

After the Speaker refused to let Diane Abbot speak on Tory racism, Flynn immediatel­y went to speak to her while the spineless Starmer watched on.

He then decided he had better do likewise but, by all accounts, this didn’t go well when she asked to be given back the Labour Whip.

Mary Thomas, Edinburgh

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