Edinburgh Evening News

‘Scotland remains in a drug death health emergency’


The Scottish Tories have long called on the Scottish Government to back their Right to Addiction Recovery (Scotland) Bill, which would guarantee those struggling with addiction would be able to access a treatment of their choice as well as preventing the medical profession from being able to refuse certain treatments to individual­s.

Speaking after the figures were released, Tory MSP Sue Webber again urged ministers to support the legislatio­n, describing the statistics as “utterly appalling and heartbreak­ing”.

She added: “SNP ministers look to have taken their eye off the ball again with devastatin­g consequenc­es.

“It should be a source of shame for them that despite Scotland already having by far the worst drug fatality rate in Europe, the number of deaths is on the rise again.

“It is time he (First Minister Humza Yousaf) urgently backed those proposals so we can enshrine in law a right to treatment for all those who need it to finally get a grip on Scotland’s drug deaths crisis.”

While Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton urged the Government to use “every tool at our disposal” to tackle the issue, adding: “Wellmeanin­g words won’t stop people dying. Humza Yousaf and his Government must deliver swift change.”

Scottish Labour deputy leader Dame Jackie Baillie, meanwhile, described the figures as “tragic”, claiming they show the Scottish Government’s approach “is not working”. She added: “Scotland remains in the grip of a drug death health emergency with lives being needlessly lost.”

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