Edinburgh Evening News

Multi-million pound city cycle route officially opened


Does “safe” include the transport infrastruc­ture being fit for purpose or do we give cycle lanes beautifull­y smooth roads and leave the rest of us to navigate roads which are literally crumbling beneath us?

Julie Starr

Another great example being set by Patrick Harvie. No helmet and wearing dark colours. It doesn’t matter one jot it was day time. Meanwhile, while all this work was going on the rest of the city’s roads and pavements have been neglected to the extent they resemble the final challenge on an episode of junior kickstart!

Alastair Cuthbertso­n

Brilliant. At last, good quality stuff.

Rado Rzeznicki

If you stand alongside any of the "cycle" lanes in the city with a tally counter, you'd probably still only be in double digits by the end of the day. Even where there are dedicated protected lanes, cyclists still use the road in a lot of places. Unfortunat­ely unlike most European cyclists who just see their bikes as a means of transporta­tion, when a British cyclist gets into their lycra they're not off to school/work they're after that yellow jersey or to be finishing first in a triathlon cycle stage they have in their imaginatio­ns.

Gordon Waldie

I’ve yet to see loads of cyclists using any of these cycle lanes. Traffic is still as heavy, no reduction there. Pointless waste of our money.

Angela Mcdermott

Now can we get the potholes fixed after this total waste of money on what's nothing more than a vanity project? Pauline Downie

During the interview not one cyclist went past. And as for saying shops will gain from it is the biggest load of rubbish! How do they get their shopping home! Waste of 10 years. Waste of money. Will kill the shops in town. Graeme Hardie

Why is Patrick Harvie not wearing a helmet?

Kyle Danko

Ten years of work with about a dozen cyclists at the opening... embarrassm­ent! How to ruin a city.

Stevie Cumming

 ?? ?? Patrick Harvie MSP on the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL)
Patrick Harvie MSP on the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL)

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