Edinburgh Evening News

It is vital to vote and safeguard our future

- with Angela Terry

Is there much to cheer about when it comes to the environmen­t at the moment? It feels like there’s only bad news. It can certainly feel like that at times but the UK has managed to deliver a huge win when it comes to our emissions for last year which is a real cause to celebrate and be positive.

In 2023 greenhouse gas emissions from the UK fell to the lowest level since the Victorian era.

Yes, you read that right. The last time emissions from the UK were so low, Queen Victoria was on the throne and Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister.

Pollution fell by 5.7 percent to 383 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

In part driven by a milder winter, but also coal use fell by 23 percent to its lowest level since the 1730s (when King George II was king.)

The UK government announced plans to close coal fired power stations in 2015 – their aim was to close them all by 2025 and we currently only have one open.

Since that announceme­nt nine years ago we’ve had five successive Prime Ministers who have stuck to the plan but this brings about an important point.

A general election is due this year as there has to be one legally by January next year. It’s vital every adult who can vote, does so and it’s crucial for the environmen­t and safeguardi­ng our future that we vote for those who support reaching net zero, which is where we reduce the UK’s contributi­on to global warming.

Some parties are more credible than others and some MPs have climate change much higher on their agenda than others do.

Each party has its own website so you can search their policies on the environmen­t. Net zero is also very good for the economy and better paid jobs.

The UK’s net zero economy grew nine per cent in 2023 in incredible contrast to stagnation in the wider economy with GDP growth at just 0.1 percent according to CBI Economics so you can see why voting for those who support net zero is so important.

If you’re not registered to vote yet, you can do that here: https://www.gov.uk/registerto-vote

If you want your vote to count towards the environmen­t, look for who will support clean energy transition.

It’s worth mentioning the cost of living crisis has been partly caused and compounded by our need to import gas and oil so deciding which box to put your X in could also decide if we continue to rely on importing polluting oil or gas or we choose to insulate our homes and switch to clean, affordable renewable energy.

It can sometimes feel like we’re powerless to make change and get good news when it comes to green issues but elections are a great opportunit­y to really make a difference.

At One Home we say raise your voice, cut your carbon footprint so while time is on your side before the election, be sure you and your friends – especially those who couldn’t vote before are registered. It definitely does make a difference.

Green campaigner and consumer expert Angela Terry separates climate change facts from fiction, explaining how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome and visitoneho­me.org.uk for more advice, emailing all your weather, environmen­ta and sustainabi­lity questions to askangela@onehome.or .uk

 ?? ?? Register to vote it’s crucial for the environmen­t. Photo: Adobe
Register to vote it’s crucial for the environmen­t. Photo: Adobe
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