Edinburgh Evening News

Childcare support is vital for working parents in Capital

- Sue Webber

Not for the first time, something very strange has been going on in the City of Edinburgh Council’s education department, but this time the implicatio­ns go well beyond the city boundaries.

As the principal employment hub for east Central Scotland, thousands commute to the Capital every day for work, and that’s because Edinburgh has had a dire shortage of homes they can afford.

So the demand has been met by the peripheral authoritie­s in places like Livingston, Broxburn and soon, Winchburgh. It’s only to be expected that many of these families will have young children who need looking after while their parents are at work.

The care needs to be close to the workplace because of the time it takes to finish work and reach the care provider. If you work in the city centre but live in West Calder, it could take an hour to collect your child. And of course, the council doesn’t want anyone to drive into Edinburgh, so it could be even longer, given the vagaries of public transport in West Lothian.

The Scottish Government funds 1140 hours of learning and childcare for all 3- and 4-year-olds, and eligible 2-year-olds, and under the system of Funding Follows the Child, your home authority must secure the money and pay the provider of your choice, private or council-run, provided it meets the required standard. In simple terms, if you live in West Lothian and work in Edinburgh, you can use an Edinburgh care service, and West Lothian Council picks up the tab.

But this year, Edinburgh Council decided to phase out such cross-boundary places if they were provided by private operators contracted to the council, but omitted this crucial informatio­n from a report to councillor­s in January. All it said was that the council’s own facilities would be maximised “by reducing the need to commission external provision and providing places for children from other local authoritie­s whose parents/carers work in Edinburgh.”

I would have expected senior Edinburgh education officers to know this was likely to breach Statutory Guidance passed in 2021, but it appears not, and had it not been brought to my attention, hundreds of parents could have been severely inconvenie­nced.

But the mystery is why officers thought it would save money, when the other authoritie­s were meeting the cost. Something isn’t right and to me it looks like an attempt to force parents into using council facilities, whether they want to or not.

Having confirmed the legal position with the excellent Scottish Parliament Informatio­n Service, I worked with my Conservati­ve colleagues on the council to lodge an amendment at last week’s full council meeting to order an urgent audit of Edinburgh’s early years funding. It was unanimousl­y accepted.

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