Edinburgh Evening News

Make friends with slugs and snails in your garden


Gardeners are being urged to rethink their relationsh­ip with slugs and snails in a campaign encouragin­g them to “make friends with molluscs”.

Slugs and snails which chomp through tender leaves of prized blooms have long been thought of as a gardener’s worst enemy, regularly coming top in an annual list of pests based on queries to the Royal Horticultu­ral Society (RHS).

But now the RHS and the Wildlife Trusts have teamed up to change the perception of these creatures, highlighti­ng the positive role they play in garden ecosystems, and help people adopt a more environmen­tally-friendly approach to gardening.

The two charities say there around 150 species of slugs and snails in the UK, and only a “small fraction” pose problems for gardeners.

They are part of nature’s clean-up crew, feeding on rotting plants, fungi, dung and even dead animals, helping recycle nutrients back into the soil.

Slugs and snails are a key food source for many garden visitors such as frogs and ground beetles, and declining species including song thrushes and hedgehogs.

They can even clean algae off the glass of greenhouse­s – leaving behind their trademark trails – and some territoria­l slug species such as leopard slugs can help ward off other slugs and protect plants from grazing.

The Wildlife Trusts and RHS are urging people to follow five tips to live harmonious­ly alongside slugs and snails:

■ Create habitats such as log piles, mulch and natural debris in the garden, which give them food and shelter and may make them less likely to venture into your flowerbeds.

■ Choose plants that are less attractive to slugs and snails, or more resilient to their eating habits. These could include lavender, rosemary, astrantia, hardy geraniums, hellebores and hydrangeas.

■ Implement barriers such as copper tape and wool pellets that may provide some protection for vulnerable plants.

■ Regularly monitor plants and handpick off any slugs and snails you find. putting them on the compost heap or areas with less vulnerable blooms. Evening patrols with a torch can be effective as they are most active at night.

■ Encourage predators by creating habitat such as long grass, log piles and wildlifefr­iendly ponds for frogs, toads, ground beetles and birds, as they will help keep numbers of slugs and snails down.

Helen Bostock, RHS senior wildlife specialist, said the charity wants everyone to help protect the plants and wildlife that benefit gardens and protect the wider environmen­t.

“While a small number of slugs and snails can cause damage to certain plants, overall they bring many benefits to the garden and contribute to a balanced ecosystem,” she said.

 ?? ?? Time to make friends with molluscs
Time to make friends with molluscs

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