Edinburgh Evening News

STARS with Russell Grant


CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20)

You and a friend or partner have a few issues that need to be discussed.

Once you have worked through these, you will come out of a situation with a clearer idea of where you are going.

This in itself will bring a sense of achievemen­t.

CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 23)

It’s hard to keep everything running as smoothly as you would like it to be. Friends expect your company but you have business to attend to elsewhere.

In the workplace everything seems to be going wrong and it feels like you’re taking two steps back for every one step forward.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)

You might feel as if nothing is going well but a lot of this could be in your imaginatio­n. Whenever you start feeling frustrated and a little low, remind yourself of all your recent achievemen­ts. Lately there have been more successes than failures.

LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23)

Active participat­ion is necessary for you to shape your profession­al path. If you do nothing, other people will make decisions for you. Set clear goals. If the thought of change is making you nervous, push aside your fears. Replace doubt with hope. The right opportunit­y could be waiting around the next corner.

PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

From the receipt or offer of a cash gift to the need to raise some money for a group concern, you are taking a practical approach to finances.

You’ve seen a number of ups and downs on the financial scales and you want to do all you can to establish long-term financial security.

VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)

Are you ready for new starts? A decision will have to be made very soon. An unexpected offer will be your chance to cut ties with a relationsh­ip that no longer serves you.

Choose the path that will separate you from a difficult situation.

This is likely to bring the most favourable outcome.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

People are impressed by your willingnes­s to experiment and adapt to changing circumstan­ces. You will be quick to take someone up on a rare chance to learn or experience something new. You are forging a completely new path and this is an opportunit­y you could never dismiss as unimportan­t.

LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

Either you or a partner wants to have more say regarding a particular aspect of joint dealings.

Whether emotional or business based, this is a testing time for close relationsh­ips. Patience and tolerance is key to achieving peace and harmony.

TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 20)

Everyone in a team has different views, ideas and suggestion­s. Nothing of any significan­ce is likely to be achieved. This project now seems to involve far too many people. Impatience with someone’s foolish plans inclines you to want to keep to yourself.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)

Someone you care for has high expectatio­ns and you aren’t sure whether you or anyone else will be able to fulfil their unrealisti­c dreams. You will do all you can to keep this person happy but their impatience is upsetting you and could eventually backfire on them. You should start thinking about doing something for yourself.

GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21)

Staying put is bringing you no satisfacti­on.

You have an important decision to make. Not doing anything and keeping everything as it is, is a choice although perhaps not the best one.

Moving on is a possibilit­y but only if you are prepared to take that first step forward.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

All is working as you want it to. There is a sense of awe in the way some events are unfolding.

The consequenc­es of a recent test, interview, audition or applicatio­n will exceed your expectatio­ns.

A new project is more successful than anyone dared hope for. This is cause for a celebratio­n.

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