Edinburgh Evening News

Approval for changes to road layout at Melville Crescent in city centre


Wow money attracts money eh! Meanwhile us peasants just a few miles away have roads that resemble the moon and perfectly fine pavements getting covered in some kind of cheap looking tarmac. We know our place

Paul Manson

Yup we’re all paying for it, no questions to the public, one of the fanciest expensive areas in the centre as if it needs it … Ian Borthwick

Goodness me, don’t tell me they will have finished digging up Edinburgh when it is all done. Maybe the council could then focus on more of the “soft” needs of the city Alison Nicholls

Could have done all that when it was dug up last year surely? Never mind

Vin Lynch

Oh so they haven’t started yet? It took them over 2 years for a single road and some pavement but hold on, the project hasn’t even started yet

Arnaldo Cova Masiero

Looks brutal. Taking away a load of parking spaces and making a nice looking old area look cheep. Keep it as is. Anything to keep cars out of town. Put the money into fixing the conditions of roads rather than changing them Kevin Forshall

And the Transport Convener thinks this is good news! Basically they didn’t have enough money to do it properly in the first case so just went ahead anyway! Now more disruption more roadworks, it’s an absolute farce! They’ve already squandered c. £1.2m on the Braid Estate debacle which now requires more money thrown at it!

Alastair Cuthbertso­n

Should it not b spent on fixing the potholes first?

Bruce Hewitt

How long will it be before cracks & potholes appear? Like the cracks on the road at the big ridiculous roundabout at the omni where you can sit for ages waiting for traffic lights to change

Lorna Willins

What a waste of money. Nobody “hangs around” there. It’s not even that busy with cars. It’s like a quiet spot in the city centre. Just leave it be.

Oh, and please, the cars won’t give way at the junctions for bikes passing. Just FYI. I see it every day, as a cyclist, and it’s tricky for cars if you put trees in!

Gary Mac

A reduction in parking spaces by stealth again

Kenneth Harvey

What a complete waste, more roadworks, more chaos, more disruption, can they just not leave the city alone for a while and work on what we have! Can we for once fix the masses of potholes, properly I may add, across the city! How long has it taken at the Cameron Toll roundabout now too, any other city would have had a major route (especially to the hospital) fixed in no time but our council!?!

Laura McLaren

Let’s try fixing all the potholes around Edinburgh first, would be a better use of resources Frank Heavey

A tacky unnecessar­y alteration, causing more disruption after the recent delayed ineffectiv­e work to the street.

As a cyclist I would prefer they widened the road rather than filled them with disjointed cycles path and fix the near lethal potholes Angus Thomson

 ?? ?? An artist’s impression of how the changes will transform Melville Crescent
An artist’s impression of how the changes will transform Melville Crescent

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