Edinburgh Evening News

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in Edinburgh. She and other performers could stay in other towns and commute Linda Meecham

Bus it in from Fife, thousands commute over the bridge every day. Half price as soon as you cross the Forth

John Holloway

Easy enough to commute from fife or other surroundin­g areas

Mike Lewis

Share with other acts Gail, is that not wat the festival all about? Ruffing it, having a laugh, hoping people turn up at your show and make a bit of money

William Corkish

Hardly a drama, people from Edinburgh can't afford to go to most things on in edinburgh and they live there Daniel Barrett

She lives in London where it’s twice the price of Edinburgh

Hugh Mungall

If CEC hadn’t have introduced planning consent for Air B&Bs there would be plenty of choice. As it is they’ve ruined the fringe. They were told this would happen. But no, they know best

Dave Stephenson

Use up the student accommodat­ion that will be vacant – it’s everywhere in Edinburgh

Gordon Quinn

Perhaps Edinburgh University which brings in so much money from it's multiple Fringe venues might consider offering a deal on its extensive accommodat­ion facilities for performers and crew. They certainly rake in enough cash to afford it

Ralph MacGillivr­ay

It has been known that many many starter actors get a 3 bed flat and cram 8 people in on camp beds, floor space, sofa etc. Edinburgh council have changed the rules & licences for SA. Many more licenses, landlord costs etc which cause prices to increase. Edinburgh is a capital city and a premium comes with it. Many acts commute from outside EH postcode, causing fewer middle of the road acts to be drawn to the Edinburgh Internatio­nal Festival Andrew Wilson

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