Edinburgh Evening News

Call for end to unnecessar­y suffering caused by two-child benefit cap

- SNP MP Alison Thewliss Scottish Labour health spokesman Paul O’Kane

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak urged to reflect on the damage critics say the policy has caused to families and commit to scrapping it


Policy has done nothing but impose severe harm

SNP MP Alison Thewliss said a potentiall­y incoming Labour government should “grow a backbone” and scrap the policy if the Conservati­ves do not.

The policy prevents families from claiming benefits for a third or subsequent children born after April 6, 2017. An associated so-called rape clause grants exemptions for a child born as a result of “nonconsens­ual conception”. The policy restricts child tax and universal credit, meaning families cannot claim around £3,200 per year per additional child.

Ms Thewliss said: “For almost a decade, the two-child cap has caused so much unnecessar­y suffering for children and families across the UK, all to satisfy the Tories’ careless ideologica­l austerity obsession.

“Despite overwhelmi­ng evidence that the policy has done nothing but impose severe harm on women and children, the Tories have remained wedded to it, revealing their wilful ignorance to the horrors of child poverty and rape in modern day Britain.”

Taking aim at Labour, she said Sir Keir’s party is “no better”.

She said: “Having repeatedly refused to commit to getting rid of the two-child cap if they win the next election, leading many to ask: what is the point of Labour?

“It’s been exactly seven years since the cruel policy was introduced and Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak should reflect on the damage this policy has caused and commit to getting rid of it.

“Whilst it will be no surprise if the Tories ignore our call, given they seem incapable of showing decency or empathy to anyone but the megarich, we should expect Labour to grow a backbone and commit to making a lasting change overnight by ending, once and for all, the twochild cap and rape clause.”


Labour reforms would implement policy fairly

Labour has previously said it would not commit to scrapping the benefit unless it could be fully costed, however Sir Keir Starmer said his party would look to implement the policy “more fairly”.

Scottish Labour’s health spokesman Paul O’Kane said: “While poverty rises under the SNP’s watch and waits for social security payments soar, they would rather attack Scottish Labour than set their own house in order.

“Labour is committed to reforming Universal Credit and making work pay with our transforma­tive New Deal for Working People that will scrap zero hours contracts and boost wages for thousands of Scots.

“An SNP government that sided with energy giants over working people cannot pretend to be on the side of working people.”

A UK Government spokespers­on said: “The two-child policy is about fairness, asking families on benefits to make the same financial decisions as families supporting themselves solely through work, and safeguards are in place to protect people in the most vulnerable circumstan­ces.

“Our £108 billion cost-of-living support package prevented 1.3 million people falling into poverty in 2022/23, and we’re putting money back into people’s pockets by driving down inflation, cutting taxes, and increasing the National Living Wage.”

A UK government spokespers­on said: “We are focused on ensuring every child and young person gets the best start in life and opportunit­ies they need to get ahead, and our plan is working; we have transforme­d the quality and choice in education and there are now more opportunit­ies for young people.

“We know the last few years have been tough, which is why we stepped in with the biggest cost of living package in Europe.”

 ?? ?? The policy prevents families from claiming benefits for a third or subsequent children born after April 6, 2017
The policy prevents families from claiming benefits for a third or subsequent children born after April 6, 2017
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