Edinburgh Evening News

Edinburgh set for record number of visits from cruise ships this summer


Newhaven's scenic harbour has pretty much been destroyed by its use as a landing site for cruise liner shuttle boats.

Peter Foster

But we’re not keen on tourists here and like things just as they are.

Raymond Stefan Kaczmarek

I think they need to build a cruise terminal that extends out rather use shuttle boats. Robert Sanderson

I suppose Ocean Terminal needs something to do since it's a ghost mall.

Charles Alexander Kirk

How will they get up the Royal Mile?

Fraser Bruce

I live in South Queensferr­y and so disgusted with the public toilets down at the Hawes. They are so outdated and need demolished and rebuilt. SQ is always busy throughout the year but in the summer we are crowded out with the cruise ships as well as visitors coming from all over. The amount of money that the Edinburgh City Council get for these cruise ships docking and they can't even have decent toilets. Morag Goulden

I’m fed up of all the derogatory remarks about the cruise industry not being beneficial to the local area. 1.

Port charges and taxes bring in money. 2. Transport for all excursions brings in money. 3. Admission fees into local historical attraction­s brings in money. 4. All the culture to be sampled.

Fiona Cormie

Most tourists from ships spend no money in town and just get in the way.

James Anthony

They moor in the middle of the Forth and have shuttle boats to Newhaven, where coaches await to give them a whistle stop tour. The most bizarre one I saw, was to land at Newhaven and take the coach to St Andrew's. I also hear cruise ship tourists asking for souvenirs of Newhaven, but there's nothing down there since. Stevie Dee

Time for a tourist tax to fund the infrastruc­ture to support this and benefit everyone. Iain Brough

Still can’t bring in the bigger cruise ships to the quayside because the council continues to spend money on things that deliver no economic benefit, rather than a much-needed, purpose-built cruise-liner jetty/pier.

John Smith

That is around half the number visiting Orkney this summer.

Stewart Foulis

Even Stornoway can take cruise ships now. Edinburgh is in the stone age.

Steven Tod

The traffic wardens are on high alert to book any coaches bringing tourists up from the port, as coaches aren't allowed to stop and let tourists out to spend money and keep Edinburgh running. The cruise ships should boycott this city.

Thomas Duncan

Then the passengers get onto coaches and come to the Royal Mile and clog up the whole street, walking about at a snail's pace as if they cannot help themselves, and getting in the way of the residents. Great.

Paul Richard Penman

Let's hope they don't get fed on the boat so they eat in town at the many fine establishm­ents.

Craig Lemond

 ?? ?? A Royal Caribbean cruise ship arrives in Edinburgh
A Royal Caribbean cruise ship arrives in Edinburgh

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