Edinburgh Evening News

Edinburgh reacts to Humza Yousaf’s resignatio­n


Well, now he's got plenty of time to learn to ride his scooter properly and leave politics to the adults. See ya.

Keith Young

Everyone having street parties and when the SNP fold, a large party in George Square. It’s been a great day for Scots!

Bobby Paterson

If you get rid of the SNP government, welcome back to tolls, prescripti­on charges, higher council tax and nose in the trough. Good day for Scotland indeed!

David Cathcart

Glad he has resigned; now get the SNP out.

Mark McDonald

Thanks for popping in. Nikolay Berry-Smith

Thank goodness; he was taking Scotland to a dark place and I am not referring to Indy but his continual rhetoric towards certain parts of our Scottish Society which could lead to serious consequenc­es within our local communitie­s. Robert Mcneill

Shot himself in the foot, but those Greens had to go as they were the tail wagging the dog. No candidate I've seen mentioned fills me with any hope for Scotland.

Gordon Macdonald

The SNP were done the minute Nicola Sturgeon decided they would hop into bed with the Greens. It was always going to end in tears and she jumped before it sank.

Paul Mc Dougall

Hopefully the SNP can get back on track.

Mark Welsh

Like others have said, I'd love independen­ce but its not a priority atm. The constant bickering and the damage the SNP have caused can’t go on anymore. They are not any better than that lot down in London, but people need to understand that Labour will bring in all the things the SNP were slammed for – they are doing It now running Edinburgh Council.

Scott Broon

Hurrah! That’s the best piece of news I’ve heard since he took up the FM post! Perhaps now, with the correct leader, we can get back on track and finally achieve Scotland’s independen­ce, which we all so deserve!

Morag Mackintosh

Time for an election now. Independen­ce can wait for now. It’s time for change, let the voters choose now and get stability back into our beautiful country.

Polly Pitman

The next step now is for the vote of no confidence in the SNP to result in them being kicked out. There is nobody in the SNP capable of leading Scotland. We need a government that can prove they can deal with the day to day issues the country faces rather than being wrapped up in independen­ce (which the majority of people still do not want) or ideologica­l stuff that only impacts on a minority of the population.

David Henderson

Humza Yousaf shoots himself in both feet, quits like a petulant child but blames everyone else. I laughed so hard I spilled my tea onto my desk. He's comedy gold.

Jeff Nichols

The man talks more about Gaza than Glasgow… let him go and the rest of the SNP.

Louis Easton

We need to get rid of the SNP period, need change and someone who knows their left hand from their right hand.

Darren Wilson

 ?? ?? An emotional First Minister Humza Yousaf resigns at Bute House
An emotional First Minister Humza Yousaf resigns at Bute House

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