ELLE Decoration (UK)

HANGING R UGS The best buys for working this new decorating look

Why let rugs fade under your feet? Now is the time to treat them like true works of art


Rugs are works of art as well as practical pieces. And now, their true beauty is being properly celebrated, as the practice of displaying them on the wall, gallery-style, is having a resurgence.

‘A surprising­ly large number of our clients use their rugs as wall hangings,’ says Aigars Zelmenis, creative director of rug brand Front (frontrugs.com). ‘Rugs are starting to be valued in the same way as paintings – collectabl­e, heirloom-quality pieces to keep in the family for generation­s.’ Artist and carpet designer Lady Deirdre Dyson has long been known for translatin­g her beautiful paintings into woven works of art (deirdredys­on.com), while rug designer Jan Kath is noted for the way he uses the medium of wool to create exquisite brushstrok­e-like effects (see next page).

Whatever style of rug you choose, from traditiona­l Beni Ourain (above) to more modern geometric (right) or artistic designs, hanging it will add an additional element of texture and warmth to your walls, as well as absorbing excessive noise. A quieter, cosier home? That’s a decorating trend that we can all appreciate.

THE ART OF DISPLAYING RUGS GALLERY-STYLE ON THE WALL IS HAVING A RESURGENCE From left ‘Adana’ rug, £789, Boconcept ( boconcept.com). ‘ Diamonds’ rug, £9,937, Knots Rugs ( knotsrugs.co.uk)

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