EME Outlook


- Wind

“To be in command and have responsibi­lity in what have been some tricky moments in history has been fascinatin­g. I would sum it up as hard work, good fun and defined by an outstandin­g group of people.”

After such an illustriou­s career with the RAF, what was it that led the Air Marshall to seek new opportunit­ies in 2017?

“I felt like another challenge was possible, and Cobham more or less found me when I was doing some consulting work,” Bagwell continues.

“The company fascinated me. I knew a little about what they did with the air force but that was less than 10 percent of the bigger picture – I had no real appreciati­on for how broad Cobham is. I knew about its excellent reputation for delivery, especially from my experience as a customer, so maybe it was fate that I ended up here.”

Fate decided, it is now Bagwell’s job to ensure Cobham maximises the potential of its tremendous depth of products and services, knowledge network and geographic­al reach.

“My role is quite simple – it is to aggregate up everything that Cobham does,” he explains. “When you begin to understand the totality of what Cobham does it changes your mindset… we are the UK’S third largest defence aerospace company, and I’m not sure how many people both in and outside of the group actually know that. Getting our profile out there is so important to how we are perceived.

“Further, we must also realise our synergies across specialism­s and territorie­s and make the most out of them. For example, most of employees are not actually in the UK, shown by the fact that around 40 percent of our business comes from US defence. Our individual business units must be able to exploit the internatio­nal, global standing that Cobham has.”

River® is pioneering the infrastruc­ture technologi­es that are driving the transition to software-defined systems in aerospace and defense. For nearly four decades, Wind River software has been running the mission critical systems for aircraft, space exploratio­n, and military operations which demand the highest standards for certified safety, security, and reliabilit­y. The company’s portfolio of software platforms is proven in over 1,000 projects by over 650 customers, driving greater affordabil­ity into aerospace and defense programs.

Vxworks® is the world’s most widely deployed real-time operating system, delivering determinis­tic performanc­e for high-integrity devices. Companies such as Airbus, Boeing, NASA and Northrop Grumman leverage Vxworks to create award-winning, innovative products effectivel­y and efficientl­y. Cobham Air Refuelling & Auxiliary Mission Equipment uses Vxworks and COTS safety certificat­ion evidence for the 900E series air refuelling pods.

Cobham Gaisler partners with Wind River to provide a LEON SPARC support for Vxworks. The LEON processor offers an open and well supported instructio­n set. Combined with Vxworks this provides an ideal solution for embedded applicatio­ns requiring radiation hardened solutions.

Simics, Wind River’s platform simulation solution, supports the Cobham Gaisler LEON processor, as well as all other major processor architectu­res, providing developmen­t Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxx­x maintenanc­e xxxxxxxxx lifecycle optimizati­on.

Wind River brings also the latest hardware and software innovation­s by creating virtualisa­tion technologi­es that enable the consolidat­ion of multiple standalone platforms on one multi- core processor, deploying unmodified guest operating systems such as Wind River Linux, tools and simulation technologi­es.

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