Empire (UK)

Elijah Wood


What brings you here? Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. We’re in the middle of the new season and resume shooting on Monday. There are a lot of Douglas Adams devotees around so we had a built-in audience, in that regard, but I think people really fell in love with the show in its own right, which is great. It’s a crazy show — funny but gritty and intense — and it gets even weirder in the second season.

Which of your characters is biggest at Comic-con? I mean, it would be Frodo Baggins. I haven’t actually been out amongst anything so far, so I’ve not seen any cosplay at all, but I’ve seen my fair share of Hobbit costumes. What I’m starting to see over the last few years are Wirt and Greg from Over The Garden Wall. It’s a really beautiful animated mini-series that I did on Cartoon Network. And I see a lot of people dressed up as those characters, which is kinda cool.

What’s the weirdest experience you’ve had here? The very first time I came to Comic-con, I went to this very strange little costume ball with a couple of the Lord Of The Rings actors. It didn’t really represent the typical cosplay of ComicCon. It was kind of its own thing. In my mind it was slightly fetishisti­c, but not in a weird, dark way. It wasn’t Eyes Wide Shut. We were only there for an hour or so. It’s a vague memory now, which is wonderful. It’s like, “Was that a fever dream? Did that happen?”

If you were cosplaying here, who would you dress as? A couple of years ago I walked the floor in a Michael Myers from Halloween mask. I managed to stay undercover that time, but my first attempt to disguise myself at Comic-con was really poor. It was just a mask that covered my eyes and people started to work it out. But if I was going to cosplay, I think I’d go as Rorschach from Watchmen.

Describe Comic-con in three words. Waiting. Sweaty. Ecstatic.


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